» Supporting Big Hearts: The Kiltwalk

Supporting Big Hearts: The Kiltwalk

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The Kiltwalk is known as one of the top family friendly walking events in Scotland, supporting small charities since 2016. Taking place in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow, each location offers distances to suit all abilities: Mighty Stride (21 miles), Big Stroll (11 miles) and Wee Wander (5 miles).

To find out how you can take part in the Kiltwalk, for free, and support our charity, click here!

This year, Jambo’s Matthew Boyd and Trevor Henderson will walk their socks off, in aid of Big Hearts. They have both set themselves the amazing challenge of completing the ‘Mighty Stride’ Kiltwalk in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh, walking almost 85 miles to raise funds to allow our charity to continue offering adults and children free opportunities to help live a safe and fulfilling life.

They shared with us why have chosen to support Big Hearts:

Matthew: “I’m a massive Hearts fan and first found out about their charity back in 2017, when I completed my very first Kiltwalk for Big Hearts. I see all their posts on my social media feeds, and it was a natural decision to do charity work. Sport transcends any sort of race and age and any kinds of boundaries and creates a team, but not a team for sport, a team for getting together and socialising. This aligns with my beliefs in terms of how sport can be used outside of entertainment.

I’m walking all 4 Kiltwalks more to challenge myself. I done one the last time and I did struggle at the end, the last two, three miles was a big push. I’m a firm believer that if you don’t push yourself then you don’t know what your limits are. I was thinking about the first one and I thought why not just go all in and do all of them, there’s no harm in trying and because I’m doing it for charity there’s a bit of accountability there, so I have to push myself now!

Trevor: “Big Hearts helped me through my mental health. In 2019 and 2020, I attempted suicide twice. Big Hearts and The Changing Room were the ones there to support me, along with my friends and family. If it hadn’t been for Big Hearts and The Changing Room, I wouldn’t be here now.

I basically owe my life to them, so hence probably why I’m taking on the 4 challenges – and this year I turned 50 so I thought why not go for it! It’s a challenge! I’ve done Edinburgh and absolutely loved it. Why do the Kiltwalk? Because in the Kiltwalk you can meet amazing people. You can walk alone and the next thing you can walk alongside someone and see that their face is down and they’re struggling a wee bit, and you just give them a wee bit of a boost and talk to them. And that’s what it’s all about, help others!

Thank you to Matthew and Trevor for sharing their story’s and supporting our charity, allowing us to continue changing lives through football.


– May 2024

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